Dr. Yu's story of how she found passion in NUCCA

When someone first meets me; whether it is genuine interest or to simply make small talks…a question that usually float about is WHY? Why Chiropractic? Why NUCCA (of all things)?

As the saying goes…it found me. Here’s a story of a patient who has had a profound impact on my respect for NUCCA and the human body.

~~ Not too long ago, a child misbehaving badly, unable to play well with others, uncontrollable by normal standards were labeled as a child with poor upbringing, bad parenting, or even a future blemish to society. Now a days, those same characteristics lead to a diagnosis of autism. Autistic spectrum is wide that emcompass those with qualities of social, communication, and behavorial challenges. The cause is still unknown to the medical society. This article is not to debate the cause, but to highlight the miraculous change in little Michael's autistic life.

Michael, as he likes to be called Mikey, was diagnosed at the age of 5. His family's daily agenda transitioned to that very similar and common in any autistic household: the parents doing anything and everything in their power to find a cure for their child while maintaining a normal life. It included special education, artistic therapies, speech therapies, animal therapies, etc.

When mikey was 7, his mom found NUCCA care through another parent experiencing positive changes for their autistic child. After a two and a half hour one way car ride, they have finally found someone with the power and knowledge to help mikey. Mikey presented as a 7 year old trapped in a 5 year old's body. He was only able to express himself with screams and uncontrolled body language. His short attention span was easily captivated by mirrors, mom's familiar arms, and trucks passing by on the main road.

After a detailed examination and necessary xrays to mathematically calculate his atlas misalignment, little mikey was treated with NUCCA procedure. NUCCA is a gentle chiropractic approach without cracking, popping, or twisting to balance the spine. When the atlas is misaligned, the communication between the brain and the spinal cord are not able to communicate properly; causing neurological issues. After a week after mikey's first treatment, he started using words. Another week passed by and those word usage progressed to sentences. It may seem like a miracle story of a child learning to speak in 2 weeks. However, all these knowledge was within him and had been suppressed because of his atlas misalignment. There is no telling of what great things the body can do and heal when the brain can communicate well with the rest of the body. NUCCA is not just for autistic patients, but it is for anyone looking for vitality and pure health that is manifested from within.

Dr. Yu was interviewed for NUCCA news (fall 2018). There, you’ll be able to read a little more on her personal journey.


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Dr. Yu is a NUCCA chiropractor who is practicing again in Dallas after practicing in Sydney, Australia for 5 years. She graduated from University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign with a major in Biology and minor in Chemistry before becoming a Chiropractor. She then continued her education at Parker University in Dallas, TX. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree . She is a Reiki Master who does energy work on animals as well.

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