Distant Healing: Now available

Distant healing is exactly what the name implies. Dr. Yu can work on your physical alignment and emotional health wherever you may be in the world. It is a unique and often times a powerful approach when it is inconvenient for you to physically travel to receive care. Interested? Schedule your session now to begin your healing journey.


Sydney, Australia: Dr. Cecilia has been a godsend. After years of seeing physio, chiro ,and other specialist, she is the only person who has been able to give me some meaningful answers to my issues. She is not only a caring and an experienced professional, she literally goes above and beyond to get to the root cause. ~L.G.

Alberta, Canada: Dr. Cecilia seem to have an uncanny ability to find my ailments. I was pleasantly surprised with how she was able to clearly see my pains and providing me relief when I needed it most. ~J.H.

Calgary, Canada: I was sitting here moving my jaw all over trying to get it to settle. Then when Dr. Yu said done, it fit perfect. Bizarre. ~ M.C.