Covering the symptom? or getting to the cause?

With a cut; the first things I would do is to clean the area, put antiseptic on, and then bandage. Its an order of things that we follow. Just like putting socks first before the shoes. Those examples are no brainers. But what if there’s an object lodged within the cut. I would then have to remove the source to prevent an infection.

Now, let’s get more complicated than that. What happens when we have a headache, neck pain, or back ache? If there are no obvious causes, then we do we usually do? Exercise? Massage? And/Or take pain killers? Abuse of opioids has been a hot topic in the recent decade and for good reason. Its an epidemic that has destroyed many lives. Please don’t get me wrong. I believe there’s a time and place for everything. A firefighter would be the first to call if there’s a fire and a plumber would be the one to fix a broken water pipe. Don’t send a plumber in to do a firefighter’s job. When there is a misalignment of the upper neck, the body bio-mechanically compensates by distorting the spine. This can lead to pain and symptoms. Would repeated dosage of pain killers fix the underlying cause? or is it treating merely the symptoms? Until the bio-mechanical distortion is addressed, the symptoms naturally will continue.


TMD Vs Neck. Which came first? Dr. Yu speaks at Dental Seminar

Dr. Yu's story of how she found passion in NUCCA