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A Balanced Atlas


Incredible knowledge and results, completely satisfied and highly recommend. Having spent years with chronic pain associated with my upper neck, Dr. Yu was able to diagnose and rectify the source of the problem stemming from my jaw and acute misalignment of my head and spine that has now given me the relief and confidence that no other specialist could. I only wish I had seen Dr. Yu sooner! - David B.

David's Testimonial from Google

Cecilia is so knowledgeable in what she does but also in looking for a holistic approach to health. She always has time to talk about what is going on in one's body and she genuinely cares about her patients. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone else and have done many times. - Danial B.

Danial's Testimonial from Google

Almost 4 months ago I went to sleep feeling completely healthy to waking up the next morning and not being able to stand without getting dizzy and needing to vomit. It was one of the most frightening things that has ever happened to me. I believe now it was due to me getting my neck cracked by a chiro but I’ll never really know. I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t look after my 3 kids, I was basically bedbound. I first got diagnosed by a gp as vestibular neuritis than I saw a neurologist that diagnosed me with vestibular migraine and put me on medication that gave me adverse reactions and ruined my stomach lining. I then saw another neurologist who said it was anxiety and at this point I believed my life was over and I was never going to be able to live a normal life again. I would cry every day seeing how much I was missing out with my kids. One night I was doing some research and I joined a forum and I saw people talking about Nucca and how much it had helped them. I had no idea what Nucca was and I started researching and that’s how I found Cecilia. I remember emailing her quite late at night and explaining to her what had happened. From the emails Cecilia seemed so caring and wanting to help and she fit me in straight away. At this point I could barely walk from one side of the room to the other without feeling like I was going to pass out. I also had started wearing glasses because of how blurry my vision had gotten. There are some doctors put on this earth to really help others and Cecilia is one of them. She is the most knowledgeable, caring and gentle doctor I have ever met. After doing my scan Cecilia showed me that I was severely misaligned. I was quite nervous but she reassured me there is no cracking involved or ever will be and she realigned me. I remember leaving her office and telling my husband that I wasn’t sure what she did but it was magic and the next day I got up and I was able to drive and take my kids to the park. I honestly felt as though I was in a dream. I’ve seen Cecilia a few times now and I’m seeing results every time. I’m no longer wearing glasses, my dizziness went from a 10 to a 4, my stomach issues have resolved, I feel a lot more calmer and I have Cecilia to thank for. I’m still not 100% but I would say I’m 90% on my bad days and 95% on my good days and I never thought I could say that. She changed my life and I would highly recommend her to anyone. Thank you so much Cecilia for giving my life back ❤️ - Tina P.

Tina's Testimonial on Google

So back in 2012 after a trip to an emergency room where i thought my healthy 49 year old body was possibly experiencing a heart attack (sharp piercing pains in my arm, great upper body pain) I was diagnosed with a herniated disc in my lower neck and told I'd be fine after surgery. I had zero interest in spine surgery so I started searching for alternatives. Thank God I found Dr. Yu! I immediately felt better after my initial adjustment and glad to say that I have never had a surgery that I supposedly needed. I'm such a huge fan, that my wife and three daughters have all become patients of Dr. Yu as well. If you want your body to have the best shot at naturally healing itself and doing what it's supposed to do when you have aches & pains, my family and I can't recommend Dr. Yu and the use of NUCCA highly enough! - Rob H.

Robert's Testimonial from Google

Your Nervous System controls EVERY Cell in Your Body.
A Healthy You starts with a Healthy Spine
— Its time to LIVE life fully!

Dr Yu is a highly professional and caring chiropractor. I have been suffering from constant neck and shoulder pains in the past 2 years due to my degenerative tmj. My dentist referred me to see her to correct my alignment before the commencement of my tmj treatments. With her patience and help in the last few months, I'm feeling much better now. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Dr Yu to anyone who has similar problem. - Joyce L.

Joyce's Testimonial from Google

THANK YOU! I haven't felt this pain free in years Turned up with multiple injuries and a long list of issues from years of sport, neglect and an auto accident. I sought out physios, doctors and other professionals previously - This would either fix me temporarily or do nothing. I found A Balanced Atlas online, and treatment would cost a fraction of what I spent previously, so after reading about NUCCA I decided to try it. Immediately Dr Yu's professional and kind nature instilled confidence in me. She took the time to understand my injuries and patiently answered all my many questions. Her analysis was spot on, picking up on and resolving previous injuries that I forgotten about or gave up on fixing. Fast forward, months later and I'm feeling better than I have in years. Still amazed how capable the body is and willing to heal with the right treatment. If I could do this again, I would have sought her out from the get go, rather than wasting time, money and effort with little or no resolution - A big thanks for Dr Yu! - Rupert S.

Rupert's Testimonial from Google

Thank you!!!!!! I am so glad I made an appointment with Dr Yu. I suffer from tinnitus which also resulted in extremely bad ear spasms at night. I had been suffering for 2.5 years. Through a couple of sessions with Dr Yu I have got some relief and most of my sleep back!! From day 1, Dr Yu walked me through the NUCCA process, she listened to my story and you could clearly see that her goal was to help! She is extremely professional with the right balance of caring for her patients! I highly recommend her. - Jav

Jav's Testimonial from Google

Dr Yu is a born healer she has a vast amount of knowledge but she is a gifted soul and truly cares about your well being. She helped me when I could hardly walk to playing golf again. Thank You Dr Yu. ~ Mike T.

Mike's Testimonial from Google

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