Do’s & Don’ts After Atlas Alignment


what now?

Welcome to the wonderful world of Upper Cervical Care at A Balanced Atlas of Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW). Many people experience an array of changes immediately after a specific upper cervical alignment. But the main question for many is how to keep it and not jeopardise the alignment. Below are some pointers to help.

**Unfortunately, because everyone is so different, there is no definitive list that dictates what will take someone out of their NUCCA alignment.



·      Do sleep on your back

·      DO get plenty of rest – your body does most of its healing while you are asleep so resting properly is very important

·      DO drink plenty of water – As your body heals it will need to do a little detox and some house cleaning.  Your body will need the extra water to help it flush out the bad stuff from your body

·      Do show up for our scheduled appointment.  We will design a treatment plan specifically for you to get better as quickly as possible.  It is important that you follow this plan in order to achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time

·      Do tell everyone you know of this revolutionary health care procedure. 



·      Don’t sleep on your stomach – Try to sleep on your back or your side.

·      Don’t sleep on a stack of pillows – it is best to sleep on a cervical pillow that gives you some support under your neck

·      Don’t lift anything over your head – This puts undue stress on your neck

·      Don’t do any exercise that places stress on your neck or back – this can cause you to lose your Upper Cervical correction