Why NUCCA & the Spine?


What is NUCCA?

Extensive research and clinical studies show that improved body balance effectively reduces stress throughout the body and helps to relieve pain and stress. Although the NUCCA correction is performed on the neck, it affects the balance of the entire body. NUCCA calculations are specific to restore balance to help reduce pain and discomfort to enhance overall well being.  

The NUCCA organization was formed in 1966 to conduct educational seminars. The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research Association, now called the Upper Cervical Research Foundation or UCRF, was formed in 1971 to do extensive research related to understanding the small misalignment in the upper neck called the Atlas Subluxation Complex. There has been ongoing research in how NUCCA has helped with various health issues. Click on our article of the month to see what has been the latest research from NUCCA.

Why the Atlas?

The spine has three major structures:  Skull, Atlas, and Vertebral column.  The atlas (C1) is the first bone of the spine and it cradles the skull, remember Atlas from Greek mythology?  Mr. Atlas held the world on his shoulder.  The earth represented as our skull, sits on top of the atlas bone.  So can you imagine how much more effort is necessary to hold our skull if the most efficient and effective way is skewed. The shifting of the atlas will affect and irritate the spinal cord causing pain, numbness, tingling, and burning sensations.  Have you experienced any of those symptoms?

The misalignment of the Atlas can be checked with several tests.  The supine leg check shows a correlation to alignment or misalignment of the upper cervical spine.  An Atlas misalignment will show a contorted imbalanced position and draw one leg “short.” Many times people know they have a “short leg” due to the wear on their shoes or perhaps had been told when getting pants tailored. Postural analysis will look into HOW the body has been distorted due to the atlas misalignment: including that of the pelvis, shoulders, and spine.  Finally, the misalignment of the upper cervical can be confirmed by special radiographic imaging. These images will look into WHERE the atlas has moved to and HOW the misalignment can be corrected.  To see is to know and not to see is to guess.  We refuse to guess about your health without proper radiographic imaging to see how to correct the misalignment.

Can you see how an imbalanced spine can affect you?

Can you see how an imbalanced spine can affect you?